5-minute read
La production indépendante d’électricité est un moyen d’épauler Hydro-Québec
L’élargissement de la production indépendante n’est rien d’autre qu’une modification législative rendue nécessaire par un manque de capacité de production électrique.

2-minute read
REACTION: Decompartmentalizing of construction trades does not go far enough
Montreal, February 1st, 2024 – Bill 51, tabled today by Labour Minister Jean Boulet, lacks ambition according to a Montreal Economic Institute researcher.

IEDM – Des entreprises privées pourront vendre de l’électricité au Québec – Gabriel Giguère
January 19, 2024 | 10 min. 11 sec. | Trudeau-Landry (FM93) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst at the […]

IEDM – Vers une privatisation tranquille d’Hydro-Québec? – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the bill Quebec wants to table to legalize the sale of electricity from one private company to another. Broadcast on January 19, 2024 on the LCN TV network.

4-minute read
The high cost of interprovincial trade restrictions in Canada
Interprovincial trade in Canada is hampered by a number of policies designed to restrict competition for a few well-connected sectors of our provincial economies. This comes at the expense of all Canadian consumers.

9-minute read
Internal Trade Provincial Leadership Index – 2023 Edition
Quebec is the Canadian jurisdiction that is most closed off to interprovincial trade, according to the most recent edition of the Montreal Economic Institute’s Internal Trade Provincial Leadership Index.

3-minute read
L’État contre les cavistes
Les cavistes contribuent à améliorer l’offre disponible pour le consommateur québécois, et doivent se plier aux règles qui entourent le monopole d’État sur l’importation des vins et spiritueux.

5-minute read
Électricité: une plus grande place aux producteurs indépendants pour un Québec plus prospère
En déliant les mains des producteurs indépendants, le gouvernement leur permettrait de jouer un rôle important dans l’atteinte des objectifs de croissance de la production fixés par Hydro-Québec, tout en évitant d’accroître la pression sur les finances de la province et de ses ménages.

1-minute read
The Montreal Economic Institute applauds the Supreme Court’s ruling on Bill C-69
Montreal, October 13, 2023 – The Montreal Economic Institute reacted to this morning’s Supreme Court Ruling calling large portions of the federal Impact Assessment Act, also known as Bill C-69, unconstitutional.

4-minute read
Bill C-56 doesn’t add competition but rather makes Canada less competitive
If politicians want to stimulate competition, they should start by removing the shackles that make it more difficult, and sometimes impossible, for new players to emerge.