5-minute read
Les producteurs indépendants à la rescousse d’Hydro
Pour assurer une contribution complète des producteurs indépendants, la libéralisation du secteur devra nécessairement se retrouver au coeur du projet de loi sur la réforme de l’énergie.
IEDM – Commerce interprovincial: appel à l’action d’Ottawa – Renaud Brossard
July 17, 2023 | 5 min. 58 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Senior Director, Communications […]
IEDM – Hydro-Québec: Davantage de concurrence est une nécessité – Gabriel Giguère
July 6, 2023 | 9 min. 59 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst […]
5-minute read
Two Obstacles to Liberalizing the Electricity Sector
Liberalizing the electricity market would help Quebec deal with the anticipated end of Hydro-Quebec’s energy surpluses, according to this study published by the Montreal Economic Institute.
3-minute read
SAQ pricing: The cheaper the wine, the more it’s taxed
Montreal, June 19, 2023 – Documents from the Société des alcools du Québec obtained by the Montreal Economic Institute through a request for access to information show that the least expensive private importations sold in stores are also the most heavily taxed.
4-minute read
5G investments reduce carbon emissions—The government just needs to get out of the way
In the telecommunications sector, fixed and mobile broadband networks have facilitated positive environmental changes and helped reduce emissions, but the public discourse tends to be centered on the cost of services.
4-minute read
Economic growth is good for your health
The more our economy grows, the greater our ability to invest in life-saving and life-improving treatments and procedures, equipping ourselves with tools that enable us to live longer, healthier lives.
5-minute read
Ode à la croissance
Loin d’être la menace que l’on nous présente, la croissance a le plus souvent été une source de solutions pour les problèmes auxquels l’humanité doit faire face.
5-minute read
De l’importance de la croissance économique
Opposer des baisses d’impôts (ou toute autre forme d’allègement fiscal) à une meilleure qualité des services publics est un faux dilemme. Nous pouvons nous « payer » les deux, et encore plus.
2-minute read
Feeding Babies Should Be the Policy
This week has been a big one for new parents. There is a shortage of baby formula in the United States that has the potential to be devastating.