6-minute read
11 idées pour changer le Québec – 67 ans
Eleven ideas from the MEI for getting Quebec out of its torpor.
5-minute read
Des inégalités temporaires
The remuneration gap between top and bottom earners in Canadian businesses.
4-minute read
Les contribuables financent les grèves!
Union contributions are tax deductible.
1-minute read
Opinion of Quebeckers on the Autonomy of School Principals
Léger Marketing poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute.
4-minute read
La pensée magique
The debate over minimum wage.
3-minute read
Oui à 10 000 travailleurs de plus
The province of Québec will welcome more immigrants in 2010.
4-minute read
Cessons d’encourager les retraites hâtives
Publication of an Economic Note on the consequences of aging of the population and the impending mass retirement of the baby boom generation.
1-minute read
The retirement age in Quebec: A worrying situation
The aging of the population and the impending mass retirement of the baby boom generation (those born between 1947 and 1966) have been generating plenty of ink lately. These are disturbing phenomena because of the economic and financial problems they risk creating, notably labour shortages and lower economic growth. Another result would be lower growth in government revenues just as requirements and spending levels are pushed higher, especially in the health care sector. The situation is particularly worrying in Quebec, for at least two reasons.
4-minute read
Quebec needs to stop encouraging early retirement – Pension rules should be changed to persuade seniors to continue working
Publication of an Economic Note on the consequences of aging of the population and the impending mass retirement of the baby boom generation.
3-minute read
Faut-il sauver des emplois?
Should governments invest public money to save jobs?