IEDM – Décret d’urgence: Huit emplois perdus par caribou protégé par Ottawa – Renaud Brossard
September 17, 2024 | 9 min. 12 sec. | Midi Pile (KYK Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications […]
IEDM – Un minimum de 1990 emplois en péril avec le plan du fédéral – Renaud Brossard
September 17, 2024 | 11 min. 44 sec. | Le show du matin (KYK Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice […]
5-minute read
Protect the Caribou without Bankrupting Our Rural Regions
The federal government’s decree seeking to protect certain woodland caribou herds would result in the loss of at least 1,990 jobs in Quebec’s rural regions, according to this Viewpoint published by the MEI. “If the federal government goes ahead with its decree, it will cause the loss of a minimum of 1,990 jobs, and with no guarantee that the caribou will be saved,” warns Gabriel Giguère, senior public policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.
6-minute read
Le salaire minimum est-il forcément nocif pour l’emploi? Ce qu’en dit vraiment la recherche
David Card et Alan Krueger, les lauréats du Prix nobel d’économie en 2021, ont mené des recherches sur le salaire minimum et ses effets sur l’emploi dans les fast-foods. En quoi cela a-t-il constitué une bombe dans le milieu des économistes?
IEDM – La Banque du Canada souhaite que l’économie reprenne de la vigueur – Emmanuelle B. Faubert
August 9, 2024 | 6 min. 53 sec. | Phare Ouest (ICI Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Emmanuelle B. Faubert, Economist with […]
4-minute read
Without replacement workers, strikes will be more frequent, lengthy and disruptive
Far from recalibrating labour relations, Bill C-58 delivers into the hands of a few small groups — sometimes only a few dozen union members — the power to paralyze the entire country.
2-minute read
Bill C-58 would significantly lower quality of services offered to Canadians, MEI tells Senators
Ottawa, June 11, 2024 – Banning the use of replacement workers in federally regulated industries would lengthen and increase the frequency of work stoppages, according to remarks the Montreal Economic Institute is set to deliver to the Senate this afternoon.
8-minute read
The Harmful Consequences of the Adoption of a Federal Law Banning Replacement Workers
Ottawa’s proposed ban on the use of temporary replacement workers during work stoppages will significantly disrupt vital services, asserts this MEI study. “Banning the use of replacement workers for federally regulated industries will enable small groups of unionized employees to stop key transportation infrastructure from working,” explains Gabriel Giguère, public policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.
IEDM – Réduire la pauvreté passe inévitablement par un fardeau fiscal plus souple – Vincent Geloso
May 30, 2024 | 11 min. 10 sec. | Richard Martineau (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
4-minute read
Un fardeau fiscal et réglementaire plus souple aiderait à réduire la pauvreté
C’est en cumulant ses effets et en l’évaluant sur une longue période que l’on trouve que notre fardeau réglementaire et fiscal est responsable d’avoir plongé 140 000 Québécois de plus dans un épisode de pauvreté entre 2013 et 2020.