

Et les gens des régions dans tout ça?

Alors qu’il y a pénurie mondiale de gaz naturel et que les prix battent des records, le Québec balaye du revers de la main une occasion en or. C’est à n’y rien comprendre.

Electricity, CCUS, and net-zero

A new report by the International Energy Agency states that to achieve the climate goals the federal government has committed to, Canada would need to double or triple the electrical power generated from non-GHG-emitting energy sources.

Clean tech is a great idea, Calgary

Calgary Chamber of Commerce CEO Deborah Yedlin has reiterated the importance of accelerating clean tech for Calgary’s energy sector and economic recovery.

Rescue Operations for a Shaky Mining Company

After having sunk $52 million of taxpayer funds into a company sheltered from its creditors, namely BlackRock Metals, Quebec’s CAQ government says it is ready to inject even more millions of public dollars to acquire a part of the company.

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