MEI – Could banning single use plastics do more harm than good? – Maria Lily Shaw
May 13, 2022 | 9 min. 35 sec. | The Elias Makos Show (CJAD AM) Interview with Maria Lily Shaw, Economist at […]
4-minute read
Interdiction du plastique: une mesure fédérale à recycler
Tout semble indiquer que le gouvernement fédéral ira de l’avant avec l’interdiction de certains produits en plastique à usage unique, ce qui serait une erreur de sa part.
8-minute read
Banning Plastic Products Will Not Protect the Environment
This MEI publication found that the federal government’s “zero plastic waste” policy puts it in opposition to current and potential innovations that are coming out of the plastics industry. The policy will hurt the economy without any guarantee of helping the environment.
2-minute read
When a private organization teams up with farmers to protect water and fish
Relying on market rules and voluntary agreements allows the different players to find win-win solutions, and has the benefit of not depending on direct investment from a government body. Article 3 of the “Capitalism: Working for the Environment” Series.
4-minute read
GNL Québec: un bel exemple de projet d’avenir mondial et régional
Dans un sondage commandé par l’IEDM et paru la semaine dernière, la firme Ipsos, réputée pour son sérieux, a constaté que le projet GNL Québec balayé du revers par les gouvernements provincial et fédéral trouve un appui de plus de la majorité de la population.
2-minute read
An energy-producing kite? It’s possible thanks to private innovation
In popular culture, kites are first and foremost toys for kids. Yet with a bit of imagination, and private initiatives to support it, they can be used to produce renewable energy. Article 2 of the “Capitalism: Working for the Environment” Series.
3-minute read
Wind Power Meets Entrepreneurship: A Step Toward Carbon Neutrality?
An economic system based primarily on competition, risk taking, and respect for property rights encourages initiatives such as Wind Catching Systems more than any other. Article 1 of the “Capitalism: Working for the Environment” Series.
5-minute read
Le puritanisme écologique, un frein à la transition énergétique
La transition énergétique est nécessaire — et souhaitable —, et le Québec a le potentiel indubitable d’y contribuer grâce à ses réserves en gaz naturel.
4-minute read
Gaz naturel québécois: ce que le ministre Julien doit comprendre
Devant l’incertitude énergétique qui plane sur ces pays, le Québec a un rôle à jouer dans l’approvisionnement de ressources naturelles à faible émission de CO2 avec ses réserves colossales de gaz naturel.
8-minute read
Hydrocarbons in Quebec: An Ill-Advised Ban
According to the authors of this publication, the Quebec government’s tabling of Bill 21 aiming to ban the exploration and production of hydrocarbons will hurt the province’s economic development potential and undermine its role in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.