3-minute read
L’énergie « verte » soumise au test de la réalité
The energy market.
5-minute read
Où en est le débat sur le projet d’inversion de la canalisation 9B d’Enbridge?
Enbridge 9B pipeline reversal.
3-minute read
Le chauffage dénote-t-il un particularisme québécois?
Heating methods in Québec.
5-minute read
Adieu téléphones, lunettes, stylos…
What is the best way to move oil across Canada.
4-minute read
Québec se rend à l’évidence, l’éolien est trop coûteux
The cost of wind power.
1-minute read
The Economic Benefits of Pipeline Projects to Eastern Canada
Filling up at the gas station represents only 43% of the oil we use. In fact, hydrocarbon by-products are all around us and shape our daily lives: telephones, ballpoint pens, clothing made from synthetic fibres, toothpaste… The city's petrochemical sector, which provides 3,600 quality jobs, is heavily reliant on a steady supply of affordable hydrocarbons. This is exactly what the Western provinces have to offer.
3-minute read
No More Oil Means No More Smartphones
What is the best way to move oil across Canada.
4-minute read
Post Lac-Megantic Let’s Talk Fact, Not Fantasy
Transportation of oil.
6-minute read
Transport du pétrole: la sécurité d’abord
Transportation of oil.
3-minute read
Blowing our tax dollars on windmills
The implicit subsidies to wind power.