2-minute read
Federal deficits: $175 billion too much
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Simply put, there’s just one word to remember from yesterday’s economic update: deficits.

1-minute read
More taxpayer funds to entice Hollywood to film in Quebec
Another day, another corporate welfare announcement. This week, it’s extra goodies for film and TV producers who commit to bring more productions to Quebec.

1-minute read
Taxi importer E-Taxi is seeking $16,000 per vehicle in Quebec taxpayer money
Electric vehicles get the headlines but, at $63,000 and paltry carbon savings, they are not ready for prime-time.

2-minute read
Living at the expense of Quebec taxpayers: The Ubisoft recipe
Instead of deciding to give money to Company X instead of Company Y, the government should eliminate this kind of subsidy.

2-minute read
Competition, not regulation, is the best way to prevent internet censorship
Should a business retain full control over the content it wishes to have, or not, on its own platform?

2-minute read
Should we worry about the jobs “killed” by Amazon?
A French politician objects to the fact that Amazon is “killing jobs” in the retail sector. Should we be concerned?

2-minute read
Net neutrality: The sky didn’t fall without it
It’s important to point it out when deregulation does not bring about the dire consequences some expect.

1-minute read
We forget, but Quebec has relatively few doctors
The government could give the health care system a real boost by getting rid of med school quotas.

1-minute read
The impact of an eventual electrification of practically all modes of transportation
With all of this propaganda aiming to promote the eventual electrification of practically all modes of transportation in Quebec, we see few people publicly addressing the following two questions.

2-minute read
The real effect of Donald Trump’s tax cuts
In an editorial in Le Devoir one year ago, Jean-Robert Sansfaçon ridiculed those of us who warned that a lower American corporate tax would drain capital from Canada.