3-minute read
Avantages de la concurrence
The Canadian telecommunications’ sector and the CRTC regulations.
6-minute read
Le Rapport de l’Institut Fraser – La prospérité ou la stagnation
The publication of the Quebec Prosperity: Taking the Next Step report by the Fraser Institute.
3-minute read
Un abus de réglementation
The Canadian telecommunications’ sector and the CRTC regulations.
5-minute read
Vers plus de tarification des services publics?
Publication of an Economic Note on the tarification of public services.
7-minute read
Vers plus de tarification
Publication of an Economic Note on the tarification of public services.
4-minute read
Article 45: d’abord un problème d’interprétation
Amendments to the Labour Code to facilitate sub-contracting.
3-minute read
The real purpose of Quebec’s labour-law proposals
Amendments to the Labour Code to facilitate sub-contracting.
4-minute read
Article 45, deux points de vue – D’abord un problème d’interprétation
Amendments to the Labour Code to facilitate sub-contracting.
3-minute read
La syndicalisation et l’emploi
Impact of high unionization rates on the performance of the Quebec labour market.
7-minute read
Forum: Québec doit-il baisser les impôts quelles qu’en soient les conséquence? Oui, le milliard promis par Jean Charest n’a rien d’exagéré
Tax reductions and their effects on the economy.