1-minute read
Protecting Canada’s eggs in the US basket
Speech (before the MEI last June) on Canada-US relations by the Honourable Allan Gotlieb.
1-minute read
Toward Renewing Public Transit: Competitive Tendering Can Reduce Costs and Improve Service
MEI’s Economic Note on public-private partnerships in transit systems.
4-minute read
Why the CRTC should keep its hands off VoIP
The CRTC’s regulation of telecommunications and the development of Voice over Internet Protocol.
5-minute read
Santé: au-delà de l’argent, des tabous à renverser
Publication of an Economic Note on health care financing in Canada.
3-minute read
Fixer le salaire des dirigeants
Remuneration levels of top business leaders.
2-minute read
The Right to Work (Less)
Economic laws and France’s 35-hour work week.
2-minute read
The Right to Work (Less)
Economic laws and France’s 35-hour work week.
5-minute read
Money not the answer
Publication of a Léger Marketing/MEI public poll on health care financing.
3-minute read
CHOI et la pensée économique
The economical analysis of the concept of freedom of expression in the CHOI-FM/CRTC debate.
6-minute read
Mauvaise cible: En matière de concurrence en télécommunications, le CRTC doit rajuster son tir
Study published by the Institute for Research on Public Policy.