IEDM – Le transport ferroviaire du pétrole – Jean-François Minardi
Report (in French) with Jean-François Minardi, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, on oil transportation by train. Broadcast on July 8, 2013, on the TVA network.

IEDM – Consultation publique en matière d’énergie – Youri Chassin
Report (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, on an upcoming public consultation on energy policy. Broadcast on July 4, 2013, on Radio-Canada's Téléjournal.

IEDM – Les coûts croissants de la production d’électricité au Québec – Youri Chassin
Report (in French) on the growing cost of electricity production in Québec with the participation of Youri Chassin, economist at the MEI. Broadcast on June 16, 2013, on the TVA network.

IEDM – Politiques pharmaceutiques au Canada – Yanick Labrie
Interview (in French) with Yanick Labrie, Economist at the MEI, on the adverse effects of policies aiming to reduce public expenses on prescription drugs. Broadcast on June 5, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.

IEDM – Les syndicats sont-ils trop puissants? – Youri Chassin
Participation by Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, at a round table discussion (in French) on the power of unions. Broadcast on April 18, 2013, on Ma.tv.

IEDM – Rapport D’Amours sur l’avenir des régimes de retraite – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, economist at MEI, on the D'Amours Report on a Sustainable Retirement System in Quebec. Broadcast on April 17 2013 on the ARGENT business news network.

IEDM – Sondage sur la réglementation du prix du livre – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, concerning a Léger Marketing survey on the regulation of book prices. Broadcast on April 5, 2013, on TVA.

IEDM – Gauche-droite : des termes trompeurs – Michel Kelly-Gagnon
Interview (in French) with Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President and CEO of the Montreal Economic Institute, about an Economic Note showing the absence of correlation between the governing party's ideology and the evolution of public spending as a share of GDP. Broadcast on March 26, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.

MEI – Interest rates – Lenka Martinek
Interview with Lenka Martinek regarding the Viewpoint: How would higher interest rates affect Quebec's debt service costs? Broadcast on CTV on March 6, 2013.

IEDM – Sommet sur l’enseignement supérieur – Youri Chassin
Youri Chassin, economist with the Montreal Economic Institute, analyses the Summit on Higher Edication. Broadcast on RDI (Radio-Canada) on February 25, 2013.