IEDM – Faut-il privatiser Postes Canada? – Vincent Geloso
Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the MEI, on the benefits for taxpayers of a possible privatization of this Crown corporation. Broadcast on November 27, 2024, as part of Richard Martineau’s show on QUB.
IEDM – Gaz naturel: le gouvernement menace notre sécurité énergétique! – Gabriel Giguère
The Legault government has decided to ban natural gas by 2040. What are the consequences of such a measure when Hydro-Québec is struggling to meet ever-increasing demand? Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on November 20, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.
MEI – Canada’s Health Care in Crisis – Krystle Wittevrongel
Canada’s vaunted health care system is in crisis. According to the “ourCare” national survey, more than 6.5 million people – that’s one in five Canadian adults – do not have access to a family doctor or a nurse practitioner that they can see for regular care. Interview with Krystle Wittevrongel, Director of Research at the MEI, published on Conversations That Matter on September 20, 2024.
Federal Transfers Outpaced Increases to Provincial Health Budgets
Interview with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications at the MEI. Broadcast on The News Forum’s Forum Daily on September 5, 2024.
IEDM – Libérer des terres agricoles pour construire 70K logements? – Gabriel Giguère
Could the reform of agricultural zoning in the territory of Laval, covering an area equivalent to that of the city of Lévis, be one of the solutions to the housing crisis in the Montreal metropolitan area? Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on August 20, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.
IEDM – Faciliter le dézonage agricole pour contrer la crise du logement – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the rezoning of agricultural land in Laval that would allow construction of at least 70,000 homes. Broadcast on August 15, 2024, as part of QUB Radio’s Francis Gosselin show.
IEDM – L’avenir énergétique du Québec – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on August 15, 2024, in the L’anti-chambre d’écho podcast.
IEDM – Le manque de personne dans le Nord a un énorme coût humain – Emmanuelle B. Faubert
Interview (in French) with Emmanuelle B. Faubert, Economist with the MEI, about the “flying squad” that must compensate for the lack of healthcare personnel in Abitibi, Côte Nord and Outaouais. Broadcast on August 12, 2024, as part of QUB Radio’s Pierre Nantel show.
IEDM – Il n’y a rien de trop beau pour les hauts fonctionnaires du fédéral – Renaud Brossard
Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications at the MEI, on the results of a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by the MEI. Broadcast on July 29, 2024, as part of QUB Radio’s Pierre Nantel show.
IEDM – Justin Trudeau, éternel amoureux des fonctionnaires – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the ever-growing size of the federal civil service. Broadcast on July 18, 2024 as part of QUB Radio’s Karima Brikh show.