
Past Presentations

La gestion de la forêt au Québec

Presentation made in French by Pierre Desrochers, MEI’s Research Director and author of the Economic Note Comment assurer le développement durable de nos forêts, as part of the Conférence nationale de Solidarité rurale du Québec in Carleton, Gaspesia.

Les Bulletins des écoles sont-ils efficaces?

Presentation made in French by Richard Marceau, associate researcher with the MEI and co-author of the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools, before the Canadian Institute as part of the Sommet francophone sur l’évaluation de la performance et la reddition de comptes dans l’éducation.

Le Bulletin des écoles: pertinence et validité

Conference presented by Richard Marceau, associate researcher with the MEI and co-author of the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools, before the Association des économistes québécois (section Vieille capitale) at the Château Frontenac in Quebec city.

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