Understanding Public Policy Myths
Day-long seminar presented by the Montreal Economic Institute and the Fraser Institute.

Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools, 2001 Edition
Launch of the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools, 2001 Edition.

Equalization: Welfare trap or helping hand?
Round Table discussions followed by a Luncheon Conference with James Buchanan, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics (1986).

La libéralisation des marchés de l’électricité
Launch of the book La libéralisation des marchés de l’électricité co-authored by Michel Boucher, École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP), and Henri Lepage, EURO 92 Institute & Consultant.

Let’s Break Up The Big Cities
Conference given by Howard Husock, Director of case studies in public policy and management at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Renewing the Agenda: Globalization and Latin American Economic Progress
Conference given by Ian Vásquez, Director of Project on Global Economic Liberty at the Cato Institute.

Growth is Good for the Poor
Conference given by Aart Kraay, Senior Economist at the World Bank (presented in collaboration with Financial Executives International).

The Scope of Government and the Wealth of Quebecers
Conference given by Robert Lawson, the George H. Moor Chair of Business and Economics, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio.

2001 Students Seminar: How to make the market promote individual choice and freedom?
Day-long seminar presented by the Montreal Economic Institute and the Fraser Institute.

Discussion forum on the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools
Discussion forum on the Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools with its two authors.