

Robert Knox

Robert Knox is a former federal public servant who now specialises in, and advises on, issues related to domestic trade in Canada. From 1986 he was the senior federal official responsible for internal trade policy, aimed at eliminating barriers to interprovincial trade in Canada. From 1986 to 1992 he was also the federal co-chair of the federal/provincial committee of officials responsible for resolving interprovincial trade issues. In 1993 he was appointed Executive Director of the Internal Trade Secretariat and managed the negotiation of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) that came into force in July 1995. He is the author of a number of papers and articles on internal trade policy and on the Agreement on Internal Trade including an Economic Note for the Montreal Economic Institute (Why We Need Freer Trade in Canada, August 2001); Canada's Agreement on Internal Trade: It Can work If We Want It To, published in May 2001 by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada; and an essay, Economic Integration in Canada Through the Agreement on Internal Trade included in The State of the Federation 1997-Non-Constitutional Renewal (Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queens University, 1998).

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