Dans les années 1990, le Canada est passé d’une situation de déficit avoisinant les 10 % à une situation d’équilibre en baissant en même temps les dépenses publiques et la fiscalité.
Press freedom is closely linked with the degree of economic freedom that prevails in a country.
Press freedom is closely linked with the degree of economic freedom that prevails in a country.
The latest reports on freedom of the press are worrisome. This freedom has declined over the past decade, and 54 journalists were killed on the job in 2018 alone. Several factors explain the level of press freedom of a given country: the nature of the political system, its level of development, or the presence of armed conflicts on its territory, for example. Another important factor, too often ignored, is its degree of economic freedom.
Press freedom is closely linked with the degree of economic freedom that prevails in a country.
Interview (in French) with Kevin Brookes, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about the Canadian tax system that has become much too complicated and costly to administer. Broadcast on April 10, 2019, on the LCN Mario Dumont show.
The Canadian tax system has become much too complicated and costly to administer.
Taxpayers always meet the months of March and April with some apprehension, as they will have to devote precious hours of their time to completing their income tax returns, or pay someone else to do it for them. Is it possible to make life easier for taxpayers by simplifying the tax system?
Should the Government Pre-Fill Your Tax Return?
Canada does not need a food policy.
Canada does not need a food policy.
Although we take supermarkets for granted, our access to such a quantity and variety of food products on demand and at any time of year is absolutely remarkable. This “miracle” is all the more impressive given that it is the result of spontaneous and voluntary collaboration between millions of people, most of whom will never meet. This paper will examine the historical evolution and the current operation of supermarkets and the numerous intermediaries that supply them, using the analytical framework of the Austrian School of Economics.
The benefits of a tax cut for Canadian businesses and workers.
The benefits of a tax cut for Canadian businesses and workers.
As the fall economic update approaches, the rumour is that Ottawa favours targeted measures to promote investment, rather than reducing the corporate income tax rate. This would be a mistake. The competitiveness of Canadian companies has been hurt by US tax cuts, and also by deregulation efforts south of the border. The federal government should use its update to lower corporate income taxes and restore the Canadian advantage; not acting would entail substantial costs not just for businesses, but for workers as well.
Many try to divorce entrepreneurship from any fiscal questions, claiming that entrepreneurship is basically a passion, and that entrepreneurs start businesses out of love. Yet one of the fundamental aspects of economic analysis is that cost variations are a primary factor in accounting for human behaviour. This paper aims to provide a frank, open discussion of the fiscal measures that affect entrepreneurship.
August 23, 2018 | 8 min. 50 sec. | La croisée (Ici Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Kevin Brookes, Public Policy Analyst […]
Should the Government Pre-Fill Your Tax Return?
Should the Government Pre-Fill Your Tax Return?
August 21, 2018 | 15 min. 29 sec. | Ségal-Lavoie le midi (FM93) Interview (in French) with Kevin Brookes, Public Policy Analyst […]
The collection of income tax involves substantial administrative costs, especially in Quebec, which is the only province that requires a separate tax return. In 2011, these costs amounted to $627 million for Revenue Quebec and $4.6 billion for the Canada Revenue Agency. To simplify procedures, some propose that the government pre-fill tax returns instead of taxpayers, a system that is in place in several industrialized countries.
Panel discussion featuring Professor Pierre Desrochers and Kevin Brookes.
The more economically free a country is, the more press freedom exists there.
The more economically free a country is, the more press freedom exists there.
The virtues of press freedom are widely recognized today. Economic freedom, another essential liberty, is for its part underappreciated. Yet it makes a substantial contribution to the improvement of human well-being, in addition to which it is a necessary condition for ensuring a certain degree of press freedom.
The more economically free a country is, the more press freedom exists there.
The administration reform in France.
Economic growth is the best way to reduce poverty.
Is it true that economic growth only benefits a small, privileged elite? This seems to be the belief of certain groups that regularly denounce a “crisis of inequality” in many countries, including Canada. Yet this perspective, which considers wealth creation to be a zero-sum game in which the poorest are prisoners of their economic circumstances, is simply mistaken.
Economic growth is the best way to reduce poverty.
Tax reforms announced in France.