

Equalization: Towards a Formula that Promotes Further Resource Development

The federal equalization program will distribute over $15 billion to the relatively “poorer” Canadian provinces in 2012-2013. The formula used to calculate the amounts to be paid out was significantly modified in 2007. In recent months, numerous criticisms have been expressed, which may be a sign of more contentious debates to come until the revision of the equalization formula in 2014. Whereas in Alberta, many believe the program unfairly transfers the wealth of their province to Quebec and the Maritimes, in Ontario the formula is criticized for not being generous enough to that province.

Media release :: How to encourage Quebec to end 55 years of relying on equalization

Media release :: National Coalition on Federal Transfers Launched

National Coalition’s first document (June 6, 2013) :: A Hand Up or a Hand Out: Ideas on How to Improve Canada’s Equalization Program


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