10 Projects to Make Montreal a Real Metropolis
Montreal, November 1, 2008 – The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is presenting 10 ideas to Montrealers and Quebecers regarding the economic development of Montreal, entitled: “10 Projects to Make Montreal a Real Metropolis.” These proposals, to be applied within one to five years, will be discussed in the pages of the Journal de Montréal this Saturday, November 1, and in the days that follow. The complete texts are available in French on the MEI’s website and on Canoë.
The Institute’s economists are ready to debate these proposals in all forums. Please contact the undersigned for interviews.
Here is an outline of the ideas:
Intro. Le rôle de métropole de Montréal
by Dominique Vachon, associate economist at the MEI
1. Accroître l’autonomie fiscale de la Ville de Montréal
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
2. Développer le tourisme médical pour accroître le financement du système de santé
by Mathieu Laberge, economist at the MEI
3. Garantir la qualité des infrastructures routières
by Mathieu Laberge, economist at the MEI
4. Valoriser davantage le parc du Mont-Royal
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
5. Revaloriser le parc immobilier résidentiel montréalais
by Mathieu Laberge, economist at the MEI
6. Revaloriser les espaces montréalais sous-utilisés
by Mathieu Laberge, economist at the MEI
7. Augmenter la responsabilité et l’imputabilité des services municipaux
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
8. Autobus et train : pour un service public concurrentiel
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
9. Attirer plus d’étudiants étrangers de haut calibre
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
10. Affirmer le caractère cosmopolite de Montréal
by Marcel Boyer, vice president and chief economist of the MEI
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Information and interview requests: André Valiquette, Director of Communications, Montreal Economic Institute, Tel.: (514) 273-0969, ext. 2225 / Email: avaliquette (@iedm.org)