The Montreal Economic Institute awards two Economic Education Prizes

Montreal, December 13, 2007 – The Montreal Economic Institute has awarded two Economic Education Prizes worth $3,000 each to David Descôteaux, a contributor to Commerce magazine, and to Lynn Moore, a business reporter at The Gazette.
A report by David Descôteaux presents detailed research into U.S. protectionism and lobbying in the sugar and shipbuilding sectors and on how this affects Canadian producers. It provides an enlightening analysis of the economic irrationality of pursuing such policies that impoverish society in general to benefit small, organized groups.
A series of articles written by Lynn Moore looks into many aspects of the mining industry’s rebirth and its impact on areas of public policy such as regional development, transportation, sectoral labour shortages and challenges in training, taxation, surveying and relations with native peoples.
The Economic Education Prizes issued by the Montreal Economic Institute reward the work of journalists (reporters or columnists) who have made leading contributions to a better public understanding of economic analysis in an area of public policy. One prize is given for the best article in French and another for the best article in English.
The awarding of these prizes was made possible by support from the Lotte & John Hecht Foundation.
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Source: André Valiquette, Director of Communications, Montreal Economic Institute, Tel.: 514 273-0969 ext. 2225 / Cell: 514 574-0969 / E-mail: