September 10, 2024 | 17 min. 56 sec. | Ouellet en direct (Radio X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist […]
August 29, 2024 | 13 min. 49 sec. | C’est jamais pareil (ICI Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist […]
August 20, 2024 | 17 min. 36 sec. | Ouellet en direct (Radio X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist […]
David Card et Alan Krueger, les lauréats du Prix nobel d’économie en 2021, ont mené des recherches sur le salaire minimum et ses effets sur l’emploi dans les fast-foods. En quoi cela a-t-il constitué une bombe dans le milieu des économistes?
August 6, 2024 | 20 min. 01 sec. | Ouellet en direct (Radio X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist […]
August 5, 2024 | 9 min. 39 sec. | Place publique (ICI Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
July 24, 2024 | 12 min. 20 sec. | Le midi (98,5 FM) Debate (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
July 12, 2024 | 7 min. 32 sec. | The Elias Makos Show (CJAD AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
The regulatory burden is preventing the housing supply from adjusting itself, contributing to the rapid increase in housing prices seen in Montreal, points out this study published by the MEI. “The more regulation there is, the longer it takes and the more it costs to build new units, thus making housing more expensive and harder to find,” says Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI and author of the study.
July 10, 2024 | 16 min. 10 sec. | Le midi (98,5 FM) Debate (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
May 30, 2024 | 11 min. 10 sec. | Richard Martineau (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
C’est en cumulant ses effets et en l’évaluant sur une longue période que l’on trouve que notre fardeau réglementaire et fiscal est responsable d’avoir plongé 140 000 Québécois de plus dans un épisode de pauvreté entre 2013 et 2020.
A lighter regulatory and tax burden would have reduced the number and the length of episodes of poverty in Quebec, shows this study published by the MEI. “The economic literature is very clear: the weight of regulation and taxes has a negative impact on economic growth, and ultimately on social mobility,” explains Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI.
While the rest of the country should certainly take note of how Alberta was able to increase income mobility in the 1990s, so should Albertans today.
Reductions in government spending and regulatory burden under the Ralph Klein government, in Alberta, led to increased income mobility among the poorest segment of the population, according to this study by the Montreal Economic Institute.
January 29, 2024 | 10 min. 39 sec. | Mathieu Bock-Côté (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the […]
Il n’est plus possible de parler d’une force inexorable qui pousse les inégalités vers le haut. Pas plus que de défendre l’importance de l’imposition sur les fortunés pour égaliser et de blâmer la faillite de l’État-providence.
To fight inflation, the central bank needs to adopt a sound monetary policy, and economic growth needs to be encouraged.
Debate (in French) between Daniel Breton, CEO of Electric Mobility Canada, and Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, broadcast on October 2, 2023 on ICI Radio-Canada.
August 24, 2023 | 8 min. 23 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
Greater flexibility in the hiring and firing of teachers would substantially improve the quality of education in Quebec, notes this MEI study. Out of 111,000 Quebec teachers, four were fired for incompetence over the past five years.
July 26, 2023 | 7 min. 44 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
Il y a deux erreurs que font ceux et celles qui tentent d’opposer prospérité et croissance à un environnement sain.
July 13, 2023 | 5 min. 26 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
This Viewpoint published by the MEI explains that growth in the average income of a society’s inhabitants tends to be correlated with growth in forest cover. “A more prosperous society tends to be a greener society,” asserts Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI and author of the study.
July 3, 2023 | 11 min. 05 sec. | Le café show (Ici Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist […]
Economic growth increases the incomes of the least well-off at the same rate as average incomes, concludes this study published by the MEI. “The idea that economic growth occurs at the expense of the less fortunate does not hold water,” explains Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI and author of the study.
Avant de sauter dans le portefeuille des contribuables pour mutualiser les coûts de l’inefficacité de la STM, peut-être devrions-nous penser à des manières de revoir ses motivations.
The more our economy grows, the greater our ability to invest in life-saving and life-improving treatments and procedures, equipping ourselves with tools that enable us to live longer, healthier lives.
April 27, 2023 | 8 min. 50 sec. | Mario Dumont (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
There is a connection between economic growth and increased life expectancy, concludes this study published by the MEI. “With some people calling for ‘degrowth,’ it’s worth remembering that a wealthier world is a healthier world,” says Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the MEI and author of the study.
March 3, 2023 | 9 min. 29 sec. | Mario Dumont (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
February 8, 2023 | 11 min. 10 sec. | Mario Dumont (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
Au lieu de montrer du doigt les acheteurs étrangers pour les prix inabordables des résidences, nous devrions plutôt parler de la source du problème.
Instead of blaming on foreign buyers for unaffordable housing, we should be talking about the source of the problem: the many obstacles put in place.
Un lien direct existe entre la liberté économique et la mobilité absolue, avec lequel s’enchaîne la mobilité relative.
November 29, 2022 | 14 min. 02 sec. | Mario Dumont (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
Former Premier Jacques Parizeau takes the top prize in terms of fiscal responsibility, according to this ranking of Quebec premiers since 1944 published by the MEI. The size of the Quebec government reached a historic high of 28% of GDP last year. François Legault is ranked 12th out of 14 premiers in terms of fiscal responsibility.
Mieux comprendre l’histoire ne nous donne pas de marche à suivre pour l’avenir. Cela nous indique par contre que le mythe national entourant Hydro-Québec n’est pas aussi noir ou blanc qu’on aime le croire.
To mark this week’s 60th anniversary of the election of the Jean Lesage government in 1962, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) publishes a short work of economic history looking at the national myth surrounding Hydro-Québec in this province.
August 24, 2022 | 10 min. 54 sec. | Montreal Now (CJAD AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the MEI, […]
The bulk of the empirical literature in the economics of education suggests that policies that improve parental choice and school autonomy provide better ways to spend.
L’essentiel de la littérature empirique dans le domaine de l’économie de l’enseignement indique que les politiques augmentant les choix des parents et l’autonomie des écoles ouvrent la voie à une meilleure utilisation des fonds.
August 18, 2022 | 9 min. 06 sec. | Midi Pile (95,7 KYK) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]
With students across Canada preparing to go back to school, the MEI released this study on how to improve educational outcomes. Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at the MEI, concludes that it is an illusion to think that the quality of education will be improved merely by increasing government spending.
Les vagues de chaleur sont meurtrières. Selon le GIEC, la fréquence, l’intensité et la durée de celles-ci augmentent avec le réchauffement climatique. Cependant, la mortalité qu’elles provoquent ne cesse de diminuer grâce à la croissance économique et au progrès technologique, un fait rarement évoqué lorsque le sujet est soulevé. Pourtant, ses implications sont très importantes.
The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) was pleased to invite you to its first webinar of 2022: Economic freedom and inequalities with Vincent Geloso, which took place on February 16 at noon, for a duration of one hour.
For several years now, a number of observers have noted a slowdown in economic and social mobility in Canada. While some try to establish a link between economic inequality and social mobility (that is, individuals’ potential to improve their lot), the reality is that bolstering economic freedom is a central piece of the puzzle. In this publication, authors Vincent Geloso and James Dean identify barriers to economic and social mobility that could easily be eliminated.
Il est très rare que l’on souligne les progrès considérables qui ont été accomplis depuis 1800 lors de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la pauvreté.
Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on the strong connection between the prosperity of francophones and the attractiveness of French in the province. Broadcast on May 26, 2021 on CFCF-TV’s CTV News Montreal at Noon.
Reducing taxes and regulatory burdens in education would make it more attractive for immigrants to learn French.
May 14, 2021 | 7 min. 42 sec. | Midi Plus (106,9 FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at […]
La véritable question reste de savoir comment convaincre un plus grand nombre de personnes de parler le français couramment.
With the different levels of government intensifying their efforts to promote the use of the French language, an analysis of the economic history of Quebec identifies the real winning conditions for favouring the vitality of French. This publication shows the strong connection between the prosperity of francophones and the attractiveness of French in the province.
L’enrichissement de l’humanité (permis par le marché) est un ingrédient crucial de la préservation environnementale. Cependant, l’enrichissement doit s’accompagner d’un État qui se limite à gérer les externalités.
April 7, 2020 | 13 min. 30 sec. | Duhaime le midi (FM93) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Assistant Professor of […]
April 7, 2020 | 10 min. 44 sec. | Le Bilan (BLVD 102.1) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Assistant Professor of […]
In addition to a health crisis, the coronavirus pandemic raises concerns about an economic crisis. While several commentators draw parallels with the Spanish influenza, this MEI publication analyzes the economic lessons that should be learned from this historical episode.
November 5, 2019 | 11 min. 08 sec. | Midi Pile (CKYK Radio X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher […]
Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about the impacts of Air Canada’s potential acquisition of Air Transat. Broadcast on June 27, 2019, on CBC News Network With Carole MacNeil.
Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about the impacts of Air Canada’s potential acquisition of Air Transat. Broadcast on June 4, 2019, on the LCN Mario Dumont show.
Barriers to competition in a market are a real concern.
Barriers to competition in a market are a real concern.
With Air Canada seeking to acquire Air Transat, many public figures have made comments to the effect that this consolidation would lead to price increases. This argument is based on the premise that competition in a given market is determined by the size and the number of firms that are active in that market.
May 16, 2019 | 10 min. 35 sec. | Le retour d’Éric Duhaime (FM 93) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate […]
Presentation by Vincent Geloso, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, King’s University College, and Associate Researcher at the MEI, and Germain Belzile, Senior Lecturer, HEC Montréal, and Senior Associate Researcher at the MEI, as part of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, in Quebec City.
July 25, 2018 | 15 min. 34 sec. | La Commission Gendron (CHIK-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at […]
May 3, 2018 | 10 min. 02 sec. | Tasha Kheiriddin (640 Toronto) Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on what […]
September 29, 2017 | 10 min. 03 sec. | Sophie sans compromis (BLVD 102.1 FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate […]
Increasing economic freedoms to reduce inequality.
Justin Trudeau postpones achieving a balanced budget.
The marketing model of maple products in Quebec.
June 9, 2017 | 41 min. | Isabelle (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about online […]
The marketing model of maple products in Quebec.
June 8, 2017 | 17 min. 11 sec. | Martineau Trudeau (CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
Proposing $13 billion of compensation to farmers to end supply management.
June 6, 2017 | 9 min. 51 sec. | Tasha Kheiriddin (AM 640) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, […]
June 1st, 2017 | 14 min. 21 sec. | Sophie sans compromis (BLVD 102.1 FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate […]
Proposing $13 billion of compensation to farmers to end supply management.
Proposing $13 billion of compensation to farmers to end supply management.
Since the 1970s, farms in the dairy, poultry, and egg sectors have been subject to supply management, a system which combines production quotas, price controls, and import barriers to increase the prices of goods produced by these farms. The negative effects of this system for consumers have been studied in depth, and there is now a broad consensus regarding their existence and amplitude. The question of compensating farmers in order to abolish this regime remains an open one.
May 17, 2017 | 7 min. 18 sec. | Tasha Kheiriddin (AM 640) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, […]
March 7, 2017 | 15 min. 42 sec. | Québec aujourd'hui (BLVD 102.1 FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher […]
January 9, 2017 | 9 min. 46 sec. | 100% Normandeau (BLVD 102.1) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at […]
October 14, 2016 | 14 min. 45 sec. | 100% Normandeau (BLVD 102.1 FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher […]
Over the past few decades, the costs of public transit in Montreal have outpaced services rendered. This occurred while many municipalities around the world opted to reform their public transit systems by increasing the involvement of the private sector. This Economic Note provides an overview of the history of public transit in Montreal and of international experiences with private involvement.
Public transit and international experiences with private involvement.
September 28, 2016 | 19 min. 34 sec. | Le retour de Gilles Parent (FM93) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate […]
Supply management hurts low-income Canadian households.
Supply management hurts low-income Canadian households.
August 31, 2016 | 11 min. 20 sec. | Duhaime-Drainville le midi (FM93) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at […]
As a result of a recent decision by the Canadian Dairy Commission, the price of industrial milk is set to increase on September 1st, 2016. Numerous studies have found that supply management, under which Canada’s dairy and poultry sectors operate, imposes a large cost per family through higher consumer prices than could be obtained on open markets. Furthermore, these higher prices place more of a burden on poorer households than on richer ones.
The most recent school board election results represented a golden opportunity to do away with this superfluous institution in order to allow the emergence of more autonomous schools. In December 2015, the Quebec government introduced a bill that went in this direction. However, the new Education Minister, Sébastien Proulx, decided to drop the structural modifications and focus instead on academic success. Yet abolishing school boards and entrusting schools with more autonomy would in fact promote the success of students.
Gentrification is a process whereby middle-class families and young professionals establish themselves in working-class urban neighbourhoods. By no means unique to Montreal, this process has generated some resistance on the part of anti-gentrification activists, some of whom have resorted to violent means in the belief that they are being displaced. Yet gentrification is a widespread phenomenon that yields largely beneficial outcomes for everyone—including the poorest members of society—and whose negative effects can be mitigated by sound economic policy.
Gentrification, when combined with sound housing policy, helps everyone, including the poor.
Gentrification, when combined with sound housing policy, helps everyone, including the poor.
Deficits have eroded Alberta's advantage.
The benefits for consumers and workers of liberalizing mobile food vending in Montreal.
May 13, 2016 | 15 min. | Martineau (CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on the […]
Since 2013, there has been a loosening of the decades-long ban on mobile food vending in Montreal. Such steps place Montreal squarely within a wider movement throughout North America to allow greater entrepreneurship at the municipal level. In spite of this positive step, however, the large potential benefits to both consumers and workers are being undermined by heavy regulation. This Viewpoint highlights those benefits and explains how the regulatory framework surrounding mobile food vendors in Montreal remains much too constraining.
February 24, 2016 | 12 min. 35 sec. | Martineau (CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso and Germain Belzile, Associate Researchers […]
February 17, 2016 | 12 min. 35 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
November 4, 2015 | 38 min. 40 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
October 8, 2015 | 40 min. 28 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Phone in show (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher […]
The public debate on budget austerity is very far removed from the way this concept is defined and studied in economics. The term “austerity” is most often used to refer to an amalgam of budgetary and tax measures aiming to balance the budget, without differentiating between these measures and their varied effects. This Economic Note provides an overview of the contributions of academic research regarding the effectiveness of different ways of balancing the budget.
May 22, 2015 | 38 min. 45 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
March 26, 2015 | 38 min. 40 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
January 8, 2015 | 19 min. | The Tommy Schnurmacher Show (CJAD AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, […]
January 5, 2015 | 39 min. 20 sec. | Isabelle Maréchal (98,5FM) Debate (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
November 28th, 2014 | 16 min. | The Tommy Schnurmacher Show (CJAD-AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on […]
Ride-sharing applications like Uber, Lyft and Sidecar, and their benefits.
Everyone will benefit from ride-sharing applications.
Ride-sharing applications like Uber, Lyft and Sidecar are currently revolutionizing the urban transportation industry. By allowing taxi drivers to find clients more rapidly, and other individuals to offer transportation services more easily, these technologies could lead to considerable improvements for customers. Sensible economic policy should avoid hindering their adoption by consumers while compensating those who are negatively affected by obsolete government regulations from the past.
August 12, 2014 | 15 min. 40 sec. | The Tommy Schnurmacher Show (CJAD-AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher at the […]
February 21, 2014 | 13 min. 30 sec. | Duhaime le midi (CHOI FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Associate Researcher […]
The supply management model in agriculture.
April 9, 2013 | 8 min. 45 sec. | Maritime Morning (95,7 FM, Halifax) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the MEI, […]
Public policy debates are often coloured by ideological preconceptions. For example, we expect political parties on "the left" to have a tendency to increase public spending when they are in power, and parties on "the right" to have a tendency to reduce it. This perception clearly stems from official statements that emphasize different goals. But what is the reality?
March 26, 2013 | 8 min. | Pas de midi sans info (SRC-R) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, economist at the […]
Will we succeed in stopping the decline of small bookstores by limiting the discounts offered to Quebec readers by big stores? What consequences would such a policy entail? We can glean some answers to these questions from both the history of the book and the economic literature. Examples of fixed book price laws elsewhere in the world also allow us to draw precious lessons in order to avoid repeating the errors of the past.
The economic and social catch up in Quebec during the "Great Darkness."
Enabling parents to choose the public school that suits them best.
In Quebec history books, the period from 1945 to 1960 has been labelled the "Great Darkness" on account of the province's alleged backwardness compared with its North American neighbours. Quebec society at the time is commonly thought to have been less economically dynamic and prosperous, less culturally and socially enlightened, influenced by an obscurantist Church, dominated by anglophone capital, and governed by corrupt, authoritarian political elites. Many of these claims do not hold up under a closer examination of the statistics of the era, however.
The concept of fixed book price agreement.
The concept of fixed book price agreement.
Street food vendors in Montreal.
June 8, 2011 | 9 min. 40 sec. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio X) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the […]
Op-ed published exclusively on the Montreal Economic Institute’s website.
The liberalization of the Canadian postal sector.
May 30, 2011 | 8 min. 20 sec. | The Bill Good Show (CKNW Vancouver) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the […]
May 27, 2011 | 4 min. 15 sec. | Delmar@Night (CJAD-AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, on […]
May 24, 2011 | 8 min. 15 sec. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio X) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the […]
May 20, 2011 | 11 min. 30 sec. | Connaître la suite (Web) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal Economic […]
May 13, 2011 | 18 min. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio X) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, […]
May 6, 2011 | 7 min. 20 sec. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio X) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the […]
April 28, 2011 | 8 min. 45 sec. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Economist […]
April 27, 2011 | 5 min. 50 sec. | The Gary Doyle Show (570News) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal […]
After months of unsuccessful negotiations and conciliation talks, Canada Post workers voted by a margin of 94.5% in favour of going on strike at the end of May if they do not reach a negotiated settlement with their employer. The time is right to evaluate the costs that a postal service monopoly imposes on consumers and on the economy as a whole. To determine which reforms might lead to the best postal service at the best price, we should study the experiences of other countries.
Article published exclusively on the Montreal Economic Institute’s website.
March 29, 2011 | 13 min. 30 sec. | 5 @ 7 (CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the […]
February 23, 2011 | 12 min. 25 sec. | Le 5 @ 7 (Radio-X) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Economist at […]
February 9, 2011 | 9 min. 20 sec. | Headline (BNN) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Economist & Research Coordinator at the Montreal […]
January 20, 2011 | 11 min. 40 sec. | Le 5@7 (CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal […]
December 21, 2010 | 16 min. | Le 5@7(CHOI-FM) Interview (in French) with Vincent Geloso, Economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, on […]
Governments have made considerable efforts in recent years to reduce the tax burden of business. The federal government has promised to reduce the corporate income tax rate even further, toward a rate of 15% in 2012. The Quebec government's last budget highlighted the complete elimination of the capital tax, which will take effect on January 1st, 2011. This is very good news, because corporate income taxes and other taxes paid by businesses have an impact not only or even primarily on shareholders, but also on workers, especially in an open economy.
The MEI suggests allowing universities to set their own tuition fees and letting those fees vary according to program of study.
The official opposition in Ottawa calls for a balanced budget.
Supply management policies, aimed at limiting production of a good so as to inflate its price, are familiar in Canada, due in particular to the existence of agricultural quotas. It is less well known, however, that the taxi industry is also regulated in this way, with similar consequences for consumers. Just as Australia and New Zealand eliminated supply management in agriculture, a number of cities (including Kansas City, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Raleigh and San Diego in the United States) and several countries (including Ireland, New Zealand and Sweden) have done the same in the taxi sector.
Publication of an Economic Note on supply management policies in the taxi industry.