

Comment réformer la gestion de l’offre laitière au Canada

Valentin Petkantchin holds a Ph.D. in Economics (Economic analysis of institutions) and a Master’s Degree in Media communication and economics training from the University of Aix-Marseille III (France). Between 1996 and 2003 he was a fellow researcher at the Center of Economic Analysis and a lecturer in economics at the Applied Economics Faculty and at the Law Faculty in that same university. Before joining the Montreal Economic Institute in January 2004, Mr. Petkantchin had been working for several years with the Institute for Humane Studies-Europe and the Institute for Economic Studies-France.

Mr. Petkantchin’s talk focused on dairy supply management in Canada. Other countries, such as Australia, eliminated their supply management systems. Today, Australia’s dairy industry is one of the most dynamic in the world. By returning to real market prices for milk and other dairy products, Canada could do the same, benefiting producers and consumers alike.

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