The Montreal Economic Institute celebrates its fifth birthday
Special event to mark the 5th anniversary of the Montreal Economic Institute.
« Au moment où notre société remet en cause certains de ses modèles, à l’instar de bien d’autres sociétés occidentales, il est essentiel que des chercheurs chevronnés, dont la compétence est largement reconnue, creusent à fond les grands dossiers et fassent valoir le fruit d’une réflexion empreinte de rigueur et de liberté. » –L. Jacques Ménard, O. C., Chairman, BMO Nesbitt Burns and President, BMO Financial Group, Quebec.
Presentations by L. Jacques Ménard and Allan Gotlieb (PDF format) | Templeton Freedom Award Grants for Institute Excellence
Photos taken during the event
L. Jacques Ménard, O. C., Chairman, BMO Nesbitt Burns and President, BMO Financial Group, Quebec.
Adrien D. Pouliot, Chairman of MEI’s Board od Directors.
Allan Gotlieb, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States, from 1981 to 1989.
Dr. Jo Kwong, Director of Institute Relations at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in Fairfax, VA.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon, MEI’s President, receives the prestigious Templeton Freedom Award Grants for Institute Excellence.
Some members of the MEI team – staff, associate researchers and board members (see larger version).