

Le démantèlement de l’État-providence au Québec: mythe ou réalité?

The history of public finance in Quebec since the 1960s can be summed up as follows: rapid spending growth and accumulated deficits until the mid-1990s, followed by a few years of budget cuts and elimination of the deficit, and then a resumption of spending growth right up to now. Contrary to what some people suggest, the Quebec government has not undergone a drastic slimming down in the last few years. Spending growth has continued since 1997.

Links of interest

Appendix (in French only): Source des données pour les dépenses de programmes, les dépenses sociales par personne, les dépenses publiques en santé

Media release: État-providence: l’IEDM propose un débat sur les vrais chiffres

L’IEDM a bénéficié du généreux appui financier de la Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation de Vancouver pour la production de cette Note économique.

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