

Frédéric Bastiat, défenseur du bon sens économique

Bastiat wrote a series of texts that use biting irony to attack the economic sophistry in vogue in his country toward the middle of the 19th century. Unfortunately, this same sophistry continues to feed public policy debate even today!

Although he died at the young age of 49, French journalist and politician Frédéric Bastiat wrote dozens of pieces and thoroughly demolished the economic fallacies that were in vogue in his country over 150 years ago. Some of these, like his Petition from the candle makers, are worth more than the hundreds of treatises that have been written on trade policies as an efficient and clear demonstration of the absurdity of protectionism. Unfortunately, this same sophistry continues to feed public policy debate even today!

« J’ai mis la main récemment sur un tout petit livre sur Frédéric Bastiat. C’est une belle surprise car j’ai beaucoup d’admiration pour cet économiste français si peu connu. Ses écrits datent de près de 200 ans, mais ils conservent toute leur pertinence. L’Institut économique de Montréal, en publiant ce petit recueil de textes de M. Bastiat, rend un grand service aux Québécois. »

-Bernard Mooney, « Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas », Les Affaires, July 5, 2003, p. 30.

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